JKR Research Facility Wiki

This page will list any references in the JKRF to popular games, movies, or TV shows.


The Tram System, Headcrab Lab, and many props from around the facility have references or are directly based on certain models and designs from Black Mesa.

Many design traits of the JKRF are based on the maze-like design of Vaults in certain Fallout games.

Movies & TV

The Particle Manipulation Lab was inspired by Season 1 Episode 22 of Star Trek: Enterprise in which they show tests of an energy wall being emitted from 6 diodes.

Certain planned labs and concepts from around the facility are based on a variety of scientific and design concepts from the show Eureka (one obvious one being the "Tachyonic FIeld Lab", a lab devoted to researching a "Tachyon Accelerator" which is a device shown in the first few episodes of the show).
